Wednesday, June 8, 2011

House Pictures

So today is the day of official real estate photo day for the house going on the market next week. Here are my unofficial (somewhat blurry) photos to give you an idea of the changes.

The perfectly staged, yet functional bedside table. And the orchid is real. I've kept it alive so far for 24 hours so far.

I actually made the bed today.

Amelia's room with new rug for a) staging and b) giving her a little padding when she climbs out of her crib.

Current contents of her crib. That's one of her baby dolls that she reads to every night before she goes to sleep. It's cut the crying before she goes to bed dramatically.

The bathroom with a clean curtain and shower curtains and the new "staging only" towels and bath mat.

Living room part 1.

Living room part 2, with a bit of Teddy and her leash.

And part 3. Nothing too huge, just a fresh coat of paint and moving pictures and removal of Teddy's crate.

Kitchen, with all baby related items removed.

By far the biggest changes were in the basement. It went from a dark green to a cream color. View 1.

View 2.

And view 3, with all baby gates removed. It looks like a totally different room.

While I'm not looking forward to keeping the house clean and neat, we're hoping that it goes quickly. It's not the end of the world, but between Teddy, Amelia and myself it's an ongoing challenge. And no one is allowed to bring anything else into the house. We're stuffed to the gills in the closets and our storage unit is now totally full.

1 comment:

  1. I could say so much but I'll keep it brief. I truly feel your pain. Emphatically I feel it ;). GOOD LUCK!! And hang in there!!
