Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Birthday Girl

So I managed to take exactly zero photos at Amelia's birthday party, but thankfully Grandma and Auntie Gina took some. Here are the highlights.

Daddy and the birthday girl. She picked out the dress herself and would not let go of it in the store. Thankfully she grabbed the right size or we would have had a major scene.

Amelia's friend acting as coat rack. He had just woken up from a nap and was a little dazed. He stood like this for at least five minutes.

Since Amelia tried to stick her fingers in the candle flame, the post singing pictures are better.

I think she got a little on her nose.

Trying to convince Daddy that she should be allowed beer.

Opening her presents after the party was over.

Anything else in there?


Yesterday we went to the pediatrician for her check up and she did great. She has the verbal ability of an 18 month old, which is nice to hear. My favorite part of the exam is when the doctor looks at Matt and I and then asks where did Amelia's height come from. She does it almost every time. For the record I am the shortest member of my immediate family on my mother's side. And I was off the charts tall until the sixth grade, when I flat-lined. I was so ticked because I had wanted to be 5' 10" (I'm 5' 7") so I would be taller than my parents. My mom told me I was going to be 5' 7" because she was two inches shorter than her mother, so I would be two inches shorter than her. I hate it when she's right, but not as much as I did when I was 13.

Moving on, here's her official stats.

Length - 31+ inches (91%)
Weight - 22 lb, 8 ounces (75%)
Head Circumference - 46.6 cm (91%)
Not quite Godzilla, but certainly a cousin of his.

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