Monday, October 22, 2012


So this happened over the weekend. I think the best part is that the local paper titled the article on it as "Heavenly Bodies Hit Minister's House." For the record, it did hit his study first.

Over here in the Commonwealth we had a busy weekend as well, even if it didn't involve stuff falling from space. On Saturday we went to a friend's house for an Oktoberfest party. Matt and I got some grown-up time and Amelia got to play with a bunch of kids, especially the son of the hosts. The two of them are only a few months apart and have played with each other since they were very small. They shared a kiss before their first birthdays, which was a little horrifying at the time. They are currently a little obsessed with each other, but I don't know how much longer he's going to want to play with Amelia. She tells him what to do AND will rat him out every time he does something Amelia thinks is wrong.

On Sunday we went to a joint birthday party for Sabrina (6!?!?!?) and Stevie (4!) at a place that's AWESOME for kids and migraine-inducing for adults. It was a little overwhelming for Amelia, but once she found a slide that wasn't too crowded, she was good to go.

The birthday girl and boy. With pizza and cake given after they were done with the bouncy castles.
Amelia's friend from the day before was there as well. I tried to get a picture of them.
Take 1 - Amelia not looking at the camera.
 Take 2 - No one is looking at the camera.
 Take 3 - Both looking at the camera! Victory!
 I know you can't tell by looking at them, both they're both 1/4 Italian. Blonde, blue eyes - they look like they could start their own Scandinavian country.

After a busy weekend, Amelia and I watched Cinderella and ate mac'n'cheese and she passed right out. Which is good, because I needed to do the same thing.

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