Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter 2012

Since her birthday and Easter are the same day this year, we treated today as Easter. My aunt invited us to her club where there was an Easter Egg hunt, visit by the Easter Bunny and a petting zoo. Amelia had a great time and passed out in a sugar coma on the ride home.

The Easter Bunny had left an egg in Amelia's room. We thought Amelia wouldn't notice it until we pointed it out. Silly us. She had not only found the egg, but eaten the Peep before she woke us up. She followed the trail of eggs (placed where she could see them but where Teddy couldn't get them during the night because Teddy doesn't need Peeps) and found her Easter Basket.
The Peeps were a big hit and I think she ate four before we realized that most of them were gone.
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups were also a big hit.

She even figured out how to unwrap them herself.
Amelia and Matt's Easter Baskets
Thankfully a Thomas the Tank Engine electric toothbrush was the most exciting thing in the basket.
Trying it out.
Then it was off to the egg hunt.
At first she only grabbed red eggs, but ended up with a good haul.
She and Erik managed to stay out of each other's baskets this year.
After breakfast, we went out to see the animals. Amelia wasn't sure about the baby goat. She was expecting the Billy Goats Gruff.
The baby chicks were a bigger hit.
Looking into the chick playpen. There were also ducks and bunnies that she petted willingly. She quacked at the ducks repeatedly.
There was a pony ride and we weren't sure if Amelia would like it.
She did get on and rode around if I held her.
Towards  the end she started to hold on by herself. She neighed at the horse for most of the ride.
We were very unsure about the Easter Bunny because Amelia had NOT enjoyed Santa. But the moment the Easter Bunny came out she went after him.
She wouldn't pose for a picture with him, but she hung around him for awhile.
In the end we got the egg hunt, breakfast, playing with animals, a pony ride and a meeting with the Easter Bunny all in with no sugar crash-induced meltdowns. We timed the car ride home perfectly and she slept in the car, plus a little more when we got home. Today has also had sidewalk chalk drawing and playing with bubbles. All in all a very good day and we're hoping tomorrow goes as well.

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