Monday, March 12, 2012

Back To Our Regularly Scheduled Programing

Amelia is starting to understand the idea of a trip. That someone leaves our house, and then they come back. I'm fairly confident she thought Nana and Poppy were going to come back in a couple of days. I've been trying to explain that they were on a trip when they saw us. They live in California. To try and work on this concept I tried to find a map. This was much harder than it should be. I found plenty of globes, regional and local maps but no maps of the world or of the US.

Once I found it, hiding at the back of a rack in Staples, I wrote on it where everyone lives. She can almost recognize her own name. I started with Grandparents because she isn't even two. I'm well over that and I can barely keep track of where everyone in our immediate families are.

I almost added my brother Roger just so I could put something on the middle of the map, but decided against it. Even if I added siblings, it would put one point in the middle, a bunch in the areas around our parents, and one on the other side of the wall for Bunny and Pete. I think this will also help when Matt and I travel so she knows where we're going.

She can kind of say Rhode Island and California, but definitely knows what an airplane is and that Teddy even goes on trips (to the dog walkers' house) when we're away.

We had a quiet weekend because she wasn't feeling that great, which meant we held off on the haircut. I'm going to get mine cut on Saturday, so she's going to come with me and get hers done after me. It should be interesting...

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