Thursday, July 14, 2011

15 Months

Officially still Godzilla baby. Her stats:

Weight: 24.4 lbs 75%
Height: 32 3/4 in. 97%
Head: 47 cm 96%

She seems to be hitting the 75/97 mark almost every time. That's our Snarf. Amelia also talked so much during the exam, and some of it was real words, that the doctor said we basically have a 2 year old. I'm ok with that as long as we don't get the terrible twos early. Matt and I have decided that she's an evil genius because she seems to use her mind to figure out new ways to get in trouble or to do something she shouldn't be doing.

Ok, maybe not total genius, but at least she realizes that the shoes go on her feet. We'll work on right and left.

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