Friday, February 25, 2011

Future Hoarder?

This is how Amelia sleeps. At least three books (I think she's laying on one in this photo), her monkey lovely, a couple of burp cloths, a stuffed hippo, and a sea horse that plays music. There's also an aquarium attached to her crib for more music and entertainment. (If you look closely you can see where she's started to chew on the crib and left teeth marks next to the aquarium.) The funniest part is everything moves in the night. I took this picture last night (notice her leg is blurry because she can't stand still even in her sleep) and when I had put her down the monkey, hippo, and duck book were all up by her head. We've also moved her off the white noise to this. But we need to get some more because I think hearing "Hotel California" 10 times a night probably isn't the greatest idea.

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