Tuesday, January 25, 2011

9 Months Old

So we're a little behind in getting her to her 9 month appointment, but she went this morning. We confirmed that I gave birth to this.

Ok, maybe not Godzilla, but a very tall baby with a big head. Here are her stats from this morning.

Weight - 20 pounds, 10 ounces (75% percentile)
Head - 46 cm (91% percentile)
Length - 30.3 inches (off the charts)

That means this weekend this little girl is getting a new car seat because she's officially too long for her old one.

She also impressed the doctor with her moving, cruising, verbal ability (the doctor said mama and Amelia pointed to me and said it back), and her control of her hands. She was good and didn't even cry when she got her shot. But me changing her diaper afterwards was apparently some sort of torture.

On the flight back from Orlando there was a little boy covered in scabs and looked to be getting over the chicken pox. Unfortunately I couldn't confirm that with his mother because she didn't speak English and I don't speak Dutch. Even with all my years of French and Spanish I couldn't tell you what chicken pox is in those languages either. The doctor said that if all the scabs were healed we're probably ok, but we won't know fully for three weeks. Everyone keep your fingers crossed and here's hoping she doesn't get it.

In the past few weeks we have been pushing a lovely on Amelia and it seems to be working pretty well. But what Amelia really wants in her crib is books. She sleeps with at least three board books, the monkey lovey, an octopus and seahorse that play music, a burp cloth and the aquarium that also plays music. I'm surprised there's space in there for her. She alternated between looking at the books and chewing on them. She's got 4 teeth in now and we can see at least three more coming soon.

That's all for now. Matt's still in San Francisco so I'm alone with Amelia and Teddy. That of course meant that Teddy had to throw up on our bed last night. Thankfully Teddy woke me up before she had problems on the other end and we were able to get her outside. That means tonight it's Amelia's turn to do something crazy. We'll see what she comes up with.


  1. Did she make out with the boy?? I thought there had to be body fluid exchange to catch it. How close were you? Also I highly recommend Britax marathon as the next seat of choice. It is the easiest seat to use and always gets the highest safety ratings.

  2. You don't have to exchange body fluids, but I think it's by touching the same things. I didn't take Amelia out of her car seat the whole time, so I'm not really concerned. He was sitting on the aisle seat and Amelia was the window seat.

    And Amelia saves most of her making out for Cian.

    The doctor recommended that one too. Now we just get to buy and install it.

  3. Chickenpox is an airborne virus - spread by droplets (think saliva and sneezing) but crusted over = no longer contagious. It's actually more contagious before the rash appears, then about 5 days after. I think Amelia will be OK. (And really, my granddaughter is NOT Godzilla, though I did laugh at the comparision.)
