Tuesday, August 17, 2010

4 Month Appointment

Amelia had her 4 month appointment this morning. Aside from trying to eat the paper on the examining table, she did very well and the doctor thinks she's doing great. We tend to agree. Here are her stats.

Length: 26 1/3 inches (97%)
Weight: 15 pounds, 8 ounces (90%)
Head Circumference: 42.2 cm (88%)

That's almost the exact same percentiles she was in at 2 months, so I'm going on record right now to estimate 18 pounds and 27 3/4 inches at 6 months.


  1. I'll take 27 1/4 inches and 17 lbs even! What do I win?

  2. It depends on how well we do in Las Vegas. I'll see what I can come up with as the prize.
